Freeman Rehabilitation Services

Debbie Freeman

P.O. Box 370, San Carlos CA 94070
Phone: 650-595-4447 ~ Fax: 866-804-0574






On-Site Job Analysis


An on-site job analysis is essential for cases that require more detailed information.  In cases where a dispute arises regarding the telephonic job description, a job analysis is developed with direct input from the employer and the injured worker. We always encourage injured workers to attend the on- site job analysis meetings to ensure that an accurate report is developed.



Southern California Vendor:

Cravens Consultants, Inc.

Diane Cravens

2740 Coleville Circle, Suite 100

Corona, CA  92881


Fax: 951-549-7404


Web site:



Northern California Vendor:

Dill and Associates

Janet Dill

P.O. Box 21309

Concord, CA 94521

Phone: 925-676-0253

Fax: 925-676-0217


Web site:

Click here for additional information about Dill and Associates


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